It’s not a competition

I’ve been hearing this phrase enough to start wondering. Are we in a competition? The so-called Rat Race?

If so, then I’m the one bringing up the rear. Which is not all that bad, when you think of it. I get to appreciate the beauty of the bums passing me by. One can learn much by merely observing. It’s an enjoyable past time to just view the View. We tend to rush forward, caught up in what everyone else is doing and eager not to be left behind. Being behind can have value; there is time to take in the scenery. Feeling and experiencing the thrill of exploring every step I take in my movement in my own time. And loving the bums up ahead, of course. One’s derierre has much a tale to tell. The taut (so controlled), the chiselled (elegently refined), the soft (gentle and yielding), the tanned (sun lover), the.. you get the idea. It’s pure inspiration to keep moving.

Enjoying the pace of the moment has it’s place but every so often one does get caught up in the pace of movement. And you find yourself alongside others, rushing forward to a finish line not even visible, and yet the race has you giving all you got for no clear reason or reward.

The moment of the movement passes once you come to realise that the appreciation has been left behind. Behind you – and the enjoyment of observation is no longer.

So I’ll be here at the back, taking it easy while taking in the view – you are most welcome to join me in observing the beauty of the moments and bums passing us by. And when you’re ready to quicken your pace and join the race once more, I’ll be right behind you cheering you on. Bottoms up, my friend.

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